Is your website mobile-ready?


Statistics say that 8 out of 10 people will shop online at least once a week, but everyday more and more of them will use their smartphone or their tablet to do that. It’s no secret that mobile commerce is booming and expected to grow even more rapidly in the near future.

Whether you own a brick-and-mortar store and want to start selling on the Web, or you’re ready to start a new online business, a mobile-friendly website is not optional anymore, it’s a must-have. More and more consumers shop using their smartphones or tablets so you need to make your website look and behave mobile friendly.

Have you checked how your website looks like on a smartphone or a tablet? Just because your site loads on a smartphone doesn’t mean that it’s mobile-friendly. Here are a few clues to what your mobile-ready website should be capable of.

  • You have to be able to read what’s on the screen without having to pinch and zoom.
  • Your fingers should be able to easily click the right link. Wasting the visitor’s time is not something you wish to do.
  • Images should appear properly. Small images are annoying. On the other hand, very large images will take forever to load.
  • Your links and buttons should be ”thumb friendly”. If a person is not able to immediately click the right button in order to go forward, he will abandon the whole process.
  • You can easily find contact information.
  • The cart should ve visible to anyone entering the website. If the cart or it’s contents are not clear, the visitor will move on to the next website that can provide that.

If your website doesn’t provide these features, your customers will simply spend their money somewhere else.

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