8 steps to get your App approved by the Apple App Store

Everybody knows there’s no better place for a potential customer to find your app than the Apple App Store. But to get there, you have to follow a few steps. Simple, but important.

1. Check your app for errors

One of the most frequent reason for an app to get rejected is a technical glitch. Could be carelessness of the mobile developer, faulty version and many more. See if your app is error-free. Retest how many times necessary before submitting it to the App Store.

2. Supply all the necessary details demanded

You should fill out all the required details, without leaving out even one of them. There are the most important:

  • Full name, contact details, telephone/mobile number and email id.
  • A list of the APIs you used, together with their description.
  • Whether images or icons are used and if other apps use them as well.
  • Links to external Websites where necessary, with a description of the same if necessary.

3. Keep it simple

Present a simple version of your app at first. Remember the initial app approval takes the most time. Do whatever you can to get it approved the first time and keep the advanced features for later releases of your app.

Don’t make it too simple. Don’t submit a “test”, “demo” or “beta” version of your app. They will be rejected immediately.

4. Follow the rules

Apple has a set of very stringent rules.Even if some of them sound stupid or crazy, you have to do exactly as you are told. For example: don’t misspell technical jargon or the names of Apple products. Also, never use unpublished APIs.

If you have anything that sounds “violent”, youl will get rejected instantly. Also, try to name your app in an appealing way.

5. See about previous case-histories

Learn a little about similar experiences. Try and find articles about rejection reasons. Contact other developers if possible and see what they did wrong in the first place.

6. Be creative

The Apple App Store holds over 500,000 apps. This obviously means Apple now also expects a degree of creativity in app creation. Try to select the proper niche, a niche which is not saturated yet. Try and present your app in a different way than the others.

Also, you should make it usable and engaging to the user. If your app does not appear extraordinary, there is a possibility it will never not pass the App Store approval.

7. Be very polite

The App Store deals with a large number of app submissions every day. Be polite with them, be clearly specific about your goals and the purpose of your app.

8. Be patient

Usually, the App Store approval process can take somewhere between 1-4 weeks. Sometimes, even more, but in the end you’ll get the verdict.

If you get rejected, you’ll also find out the reasons. They will let you know what you did wrong and how to can fix it in the next try.


~If all else fails, there’s always Android!

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