How to avoid fake content

Many webmasters use copywriting freelancers or other sources to generate “unique content” for their websites.

Everybody knows content is king. A website rich in quality content is most likely going to rank higher than a website that is poor on content. But how can you be sure that the content you are using is 100% “clean”? CopyScape – The Plagiarism Detector is not always accurate about certain “blackhat techniques” used by some copywriters to generate quick content.

These last few days we received long comments that looked like spam at the first look, but we decided to give them a chance. First thing you do, you take the text and google it. But what if Google doesn’t find anything similar? All the paragraphs look original although the text looks spammy. The technique used – was the replacement of certain letters in the text with special characters that looked alike, making the text look clean at first sight.

Have you ever came across this technique?

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