U.S. Smartphone penetration continues to grow

A study conducted in July by Nielsen Wire shows reveals that 55,5 % of mobile subscribers in the U.S. are now smartphone owners. Compared to July 2011, when only 41 % owned a smartphone, it’s definitely a significant increase.

Young adults (25-34 years old) are leading the growth with 74% , compared to 59% in July 2011.

Teenagers (13-17 years old) are also on a dramatic increase in smartphone adoption, 58% of American teens owning a smartphone, compared to 36% an year ago.

The growth among teenagers is explained: “Among most age groups, smartphones represent the majority of U.S. mobile subscribers, but American teens were the age group adopting smartphones the fastest” Nichole Henderson, a Nielsen analyst, said. “As teens increase in their share of smartphone owners, mobile carriers and manufacturers should consider how to market to this growing group.

Also, as more carriers offer free or low-cost phones with cheap service plans, smartphones have become more appealing and accessible to teens.

As far as the eternal competition, Android continues to lead the smartphone market with 52% of the market, followed closely by Apple’s iPhone with 34% share of smartphone owners.

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